Category: Parenthood

  • Taste of the Town

    Yesterday I was on the way home from picking up Cameron from school.  As has become common practice for us, we began talking about the things he did in school that day.  Who did you play with on the playground?  Did you read a story at circle time?  What story?  Did you take your nap?  […]

  • Musical Taste

    The other day I walked into the room and Cameron was singing “Santa Clause is Coming to Town.”  How cute, right?  But it just didn’t seem like he was singing the melody quite right.  I kept listening, ’cause it sounded pretty familiar.  Then it hit me!!  He wasn’t singing the classical Fred Astaire / Mickey […]

  • Where to Sing

    Last night I put Cameron to bed.  I do this often.  We have monitors that we use in case he has a bad dream, cries, needs something, etc.  About 45 minutes after I put him in bed, I heard singing from the monitor!  Singing is clearly not sleeping, so I knew that I had to […]

  • Brave Sir Cameron!

    I don’t know what it is about car washes.  We never teased him about them, we never tortured him with them, we never made him stand under the shower head.  So I don’t know why he has a dramatic fear of the car wash.  And never-the-less, he does. For me, the car wash is generally […]

  • “My Owie’s Not All Gone…”

    That’s right.  He’s got an “owie.”  This is not the worst, but he sure didn’t like it.  It worked out like this. You know how 3-year-olds love to push boundaries?  They love to do stuff that you tell ’em not to do as soon as you turn away.  Bill Cosby talked about this beautifully in […]

  • Sorry, Auntie Lyz

    Today, Cameron and I were on the way home and talking about what things are “bigger” than others.  We agreed that he was not bigger than Daddy, but that our Prius is bigger than Daddy.  Good.  Then he said that our Mustang was not bigger than Daddy.  OK.  A little confused.  We agreed that Mommy […]