Heaven, Hell, and Hope

photo credit: Helga Weber via photopin cc
photo credit: Helga Weber via photopin cc

Robin Williams’ death is something a lot of people are talking about this week, and especially wondering how someone who could bring so much laughter might be able to end his own life. There are so many questions about this that have to do with faith, and someone asked me if I thought Williams had “gone to hell.”

I explore this and more in this week’s sermon. The scripture text is Romans 8:26-39.

Take a listen.  The audio is from our church website.  More can be found at www.pbumc.org/sermons.

[audio http://www.pbumc.org/media/audio/2014/Sermon.20140817.mp3 | titles=Heaven, Hell, & Hope – Pastor Bob Rhodes]

2 responses to “Heaven, Hell, and Hope”

  1. Hi Bob this was such a great sermon. I really don’t know why I was brought to your sermon, but the good Lord. I have been struggling a lot with my depression and I need to Thank you again for the help you have given me today.
    Thank you

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